In Hollywood, there’s no rest for the wicked. The same goes for us. We’re constantly updating our website to make your experience renting photos easier. Check back often to see the changes we’ve made.
Release date: January 20, 2025 - it’s a big one!
- Improved
Site speed increases 🏁
You’ll notice the website is much faster now. We’ve made improvements across the board to help you find the perfect family candid quickly.
- Improved
Our logo got a little ❤️
Our old logo was kind of boring. It’s a little cray-cray that I, a graphic designer, didn’t work longer on the original logo, right? We had bigger fish to fry at the time. Our new logo is friendly, fun, and approachable. We hope it brings a smile to your face.
- Added
See photos with the same models
When viewing a photo detail page, you’ll see the *new* related models tab. Click it to see other photos that contain the same people in them. And, we’ve added a handy date filter where you can drag a date slider to only show related photos within a date range.
- Added
Related photos now filterable by date taken
When viewing a photo detail page, you’ll see the related photos tab. We’ve added a handy date filter where you can drag a date slider to only show related photos within that date range.
- Added
Add to wishlist or cart now quicker
When searching our archives, you’ll now see a little heart icon with a plus sign in it. Click that and a popup will appear with the photo caption, the pricing, and the add-to-cart button. You can also add to a wishlist from there too, and get right back into your search process.
- Changed
Login popup
When you’re not logged in, instead of being redirected to the login page (we know, annoying) a little login popup will appear. We secure photos behind a login because these are peoples’ memories, dreams, and family heirlooms. No one wants robots grabbing their family photos and using them to train artificial intelligence.
- Changed
Shorter more memorable photo IDs
Now, each of our photos gets assigned a 5-digit numeric number. Much more user friendly when communicating to us about a specific set of photos.
Release date: February 24, 2024
- Improved
Added new wishlists
Wishlist layout is much better, and you can now add all items in a wishlist to your cart by clicking one button.
- Improved
Fixed redirection issues
Now if you are viewing a photo page or try to view the checkout page but aren’t logged in, our website will remember what you were trying to view and take you right back. Handy!
- Changed
Changed to Cloudflare turnstile
What was supposed to be a great tool for login security no longer fits the bill. You’ll find we’re now using Cloudflare turnstile for our login, registration, and checkout security check tool. This should result in fewer of the dreaded “Google reCAPTCHA” failure messages. Cloudflare for the win!
- Added
New download history page
New download history page. You can now see your photos available for download that you’ve rented in a clean, simple interface, organized by order number and date. This give you easy access to your rented photos. We’ve also updated the account layout page to make it cleaner and easier to navigate.
Release date: March 1, 2023
- Launch
We launched!
On March 1, 2023, Cleared Candids launched its website. Celebration time! We’ll be adding more photos as quickly (but methodically) as we can!